Yesterday, we created a content on what to know about serving sizes and portions when you have type 2 diabetes and we received comments regarding the same. We would like to deepen the already acquired knowledge by letting you understand a few portion control strategies for people with type 2 diabetes.

Being mindful about the amount of food you eat can help you avoid high blood sugar levels.


Limiting the amount of carbs you eat can help keep your blood sugar within target range. It’s especially important to limit refined carb sources, such as white bread, sugary baked goods, and sweetened beverages.

Talk to your doctor to learn how many carbs you should be eating at mealtimes and in total for the day. Then keep track of your carb intake using a notebook, a notes app on your phone, or another tracking tool. A stitch in time saves nine!


Your plate can provide a visual tool for eating the right proportions of foods. Half of your plate should be filled with non-starchy vegetables, such as leafy greens. The remaining half of your plate should be evenly divided between lean proteins, such as chicken, and grains or starches, such as potatoes or brown rice. Or, you could skip the starches and give yourself a double portion of non-starchy vegetables instead. You can also add a serving of fruit on the side, such as a small pear.


Do you carry a food scale around with you? If not, you can use the next best thing to measure portions when you’re eating out – your hand. For example, an ounce of cheese or meat is around the length of your thumb. You can also estimate a cupped handful of nuts or chips to be about 1 to 2 ounces.

Although this method isn’t quite as accurate as using a measuring cup or a scale, your hand can help you eat appropriate portion sizes and keep your blood sugar levels in a normal range.

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