This book is designed as a simple guide for the general population. However, it is especially for those that have diabetes to help control their blood sugar, those with pre-diabetes or insulin resistance to modify their diets and prevent the progression of the disease to diabetes and to maintain healthy weight. It contains great tips to help choose foods that are healthy. It is a common misconception that people with diabetes need special nutrients. This may not be applicable in all cases. The foods that are nutritious for everyone are just as essential for a diabetes person as for the non-diabetics. The recommended diet is a nutrition prescription based on assessment and treatment goals and outcome measures. Medical Nutrition Therapy should be individualized. Sorting food into three major categories makes nutrition easier to understand. These groups are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is hoped that through this book, it will become easier for the reader to understand the nutrition they need and help them to make healthy choices.
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